Saturday, June 28, 2008

2c Golden Gate Bridge

Contains a brief paragraph how it connects to your study of humanities.: I think the Golden gate bridge is one of the most recognizable structures in the world. I think people think about it when they think about California. One of the aspects in culture we look at is art and I think that this bridge is an absolute work of beauty.

Observation: What did you choose? What do you see or hear or feel or think of in the choice you made? What is the subject of the work? If you chose a 'thing' what is the work made of and what techniques (colors, lines, shapes, textures)does the creator use? Be specific in your description. If you chose a place, be specific in your description of what you see or hear. Talk to your reader as though they cannot see the item but somehow must draw a painting of what you see or hear. 1 point : I chose the Golden Gate Bridge. I think there is no symbol that is more recognizable than the bridge. I feel like this shows how people can take some thing as simple as a bridge and turn it into a piece of art. The subject of work is a 2.737 mile long bridge that connects San Francisco to Marin County. Normally fog ridden you will notice two tall red towers holding United States second longest suspend bridge up. 220 feet above the San Francisco bay you can peer straight ahead as you enter the city. You can hear tourists and other cars as they litter the sides of you.

Interpretation: What is your choice about? Give specific examples to support this statement in 2 sentences; do so in a way that teaches us something about your choice. Make Paulo Freire proud! .75 point: I think this choice is about leaving a legacy. Only 11 men died while creating this bridge and thousands more were involved in the building of this bridge, which should withstand ages. This is something that some of our ancestors worked on and that alone should make us think about how incredible our ancestors and our culture really is.

Judgment: What led you to your choice? What do you think or feel about this choice? Why do you feel this way? Support your thoughts with specific observations. .5 point: I sat and thought about what kind of places and things define California on my way back from the Exploratorium. Turns out I was riding right over it when the brilliant idea slipped into my head. I feel like the bridge captures the beauty of the city and feel like ti was a good monument to describe a part of my culture. I think that we are best remembered for what we leave behind and those people, who worked on this bridge should be very proud of what they accomplished.

Questioning: What else would you like to know about this choice? When completing the question section, lead your audience into the question by stating a fact you do know, yet you still have the related question. This way, both your audience and you will have an educational experience: I learned that 11 men died while construction was going on with the bridge, but 10 of them died due to a safety default near the end of completeion fof the bridge. I wonder what happened to the other guy?




Golden Gate bridge
5. Using your classmates work from last week, tell us one thing you learned from 1 student. Is this one thing some common experience you share or some experience that is completely different than what you experienced? Is this one thing related to our class theoretical foundation and if so, how? Is that one thing related to historical or cultural context of this country or a different one? Link that persons blog to this entry ( . .5 point. Katie loves theater and acting. This is not a expierence we have shared, although I did have a lead role in the third grade. Culture is very much about theater and itrealtes to this class in both a historical and cultural aspect.

2b The Exploratorium

Contains a brief paragraph how it connects to your study of humanities.: Science is very much a part of any culture. The Exploratorium is a museum that is dedicated to science. Part of a culture is finding out how things became the way they are. The Exploratorium has been a staple in California for learning about science.

Observation: What did you choose? What do you see or hear or feel or think of in the choice you made? What is the subject of the work? If you chose a 'thing' what is the work made of and what techniques (colors, lines, shapes, textures)does the creator use? Be specific in your description. If you chose a place, be specific in your description of what you see or hear. Talk to your reader as though they cannot see the item but somehow must draw a painting of what you see or hear. 1 point : The Exploratorium in San Francisco is the pace I chose I feel like this is a place that makes it cool to learn about science. It presents a very fun atmosphere as it displays science through playing. You learn through your experience. You feel a lot like a kid at an amusement park. You just want to try everything and don’t know where to start. The exterior of this building is built like old ruins with beautiful trees growing around; this alone makes the place worth viewing. Once you enter the building you feel like you are at the worlds biggest science fair. Different display booths and science equipment litter the building just waiting for you to play with them.

Interpretation: What is your choice about? Give specific examples to support this statement in 2 sentences; do so in a way that teaches us something about your choice. Make Paulo Freire proud! .75 point: The choice is about the power of education. The Exploratorium has won the Webby award 5 times since 1997, which is given to the place with the best online experiments or sites on the web. This means that you don’t have to pay that toll and gas cost to have fun and learn, you can simply type in a URL.

Judgment: What led you to your choice? What do you think or feel about this choice? Why do you feel this way? Support your thoughts with specific observations. .5 point: I chose this place, because I have been there countless times. I think this place gives a great view into our past as well as our future in the scientific realm. This place helps you learn a lot about yourself through exhibits like “The Tactile Dome”. The Tactile Dome is a room where you must find your way through a maze that I pitch black.

Questioning: What else would you like to know about this choice? When completing the question section, lead your audience into the question by stating a fact you do know, yet you still have the related question. This way, both your audience and you will have an educational experience: I learned that the Exploratorium has over 20 million webisite vistors a year, I wonder what kind of new online displays they will put up to keep that number so high?

5. Using your classmates work from last week, tell us one thing you learned from 1 student. Is this one thing some common experience you share or some experience that is completely different than what you experienced? Is this one thing related to our class theoretical foundation and if so, how? Is that one thing related to historical or cultural context of this country or a different one? Link that persons blog to this entry ( . .5 point Joesph loves sports as do I. I am sure he has been to plenty of ball games. This is a very common expierence that i have also expierenced. Sports are related to the culture so it does relate to this class. I think sports are part of the historical context.

2a Bodega Bay

Contains a brief paragraph how it connects to your study of humanities.: Bodega Bay is where I grew up, and I feel this is a place that has contributed to my understanding of my own culture. Since the overarching concept of this class is to understand culture, no culture is more important to me than my own. I also live very close to this place and go there quite often.

Observation: What did you choose? What do you see or hear or feel or think of in the choice you made? What is the subject of the work? If you chose a 'thing' what is the work made of and what techniques (colors, lines, shapes, textures) does the creator use? Be specific in your description. If you chose a place, be specific in your description of what you see or hear. Talk to your reader as though they cannot see the item but somehow must draw a painting of what you see or hear. 1 point : I chose a place “Bodega Bay”. When I think of this place I think mainly of the beaches and the beautiful coastline. I can also hear the ocean waves rush up to the coastline and wash away the sand. When I first stepped foot on the beach, I could hear the sound of seagulls in the distance. That sound combined with the sound of the waves and kids created the tantalizing feeling of fun. The sand through my feet felt warm. In the distance you can see the waves crashing ashore. The beach is always crowded during the summer time so the sounds of chatter and laughter feel the sea breezed air.

Interpretation: What is your choice about? Give specific examples to support this statement in 2 sentences; do so in a way that teaches us something about your choice. Make Paulo Freire proud! .75 point: My choice is about proving that as crazy as things can get, nature can always relax you. In our culture today time seems to fly by, but if you take a second and watch the waves you might find yourself lost in the beauty. Culture has as much to do with painting and such, as it does on how people simply take time off.

Judgment: What led you to your choice? What do you think or feel about this choice? Why do you feel this way? Support your thoughts with specific observations. .5 point: I was led to this choice by examining something that was important in my culture. I feel this place was a good choice to visit because it is someplace I have visited a lot and never really viewed in a cultural perspective. I never noticed how quickly the landscaped changed throughout my life. I also noticed music is always playing in some form or another. That music mixes with the natural sounds of the beach to create the beautiful sound of culture in Bodega Bay.

Questioning: What else would you like to know about this choice? When completing the question section, lead your audience into the question by stating a fact you do know, yet you still have the related question. This way, both your audience and you will have an educational experience: I know Bodega was founded in 1775, by Juan Francisco de la Bodega, however he left soon after this areas discovery. My question would be why did he never return?

5. Using your classmates work from last week, tell us one thing you learned from 1 student. Is this one thing some common experience you share or some experience that is completely different than what you experienced? Is this one thing related to our class theoretical foundation and if so, how? Is that one thing related to historical or cultural context of this country or a different one? Link that persons blog to this entry ( . .5 point

I learned that Ryan loves baseball. This is something i have in common woth him. Baseball is a part of american culture so i assume it would be related to this class.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Denya (love the name btw)
Alright Denya is a business major (nice to know someone shares the headaches) and she seems very expierenced in the blogging and website field. She would be a good person to ask if anybody was having problems.

2 things she taught us about our guy Paulo Friere:
1. Liberation theology was what he was a believer in.
2. He helped teach 300 sugarcane workers to read and write in 45 days in a response to the law that one must be literate to vote in presidential elections.

Lizabeth lives in Navato which is 30.8 miles away from the santa Rosa campus (Gas must be a fun bill). She usually takes classes in the petaluma campus.

2 things she taught us about our guy Paulo Friere:
1. In his honor, the Paulo Friere institue was created in Brazil to help teach disadvantaged people. 1964 he was exiled from Brazil because the government disagreed with his work in educated the rural poor.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Three things that you just have to know about Paulo Freire.
1. He saw dialogue as an educational form. He believed that dialoge was a way for people to work with each other to gain a better understanding of the world.

2.He might be most well-known for his concept against "banking" Education. He believed that passive learners have pre-selected knowledge in their minds and that students were treated as empty accounts to be filled by teachers.

3. Three of his beggest recognitions were: King Baudouin International Development Prize 1980,
Prize for Outstanding Christian Educators , and UNESCO 1986 Prize for Education for Peace





1. What is your first name only (not last)
Michael but please call me Mike

2. Why are you taking this class
To finish off my general education

3. How far do you live from SRJC main campus (go to google, maps to get this answer)
I live 19.5 miles away and about a 31 minute drive from the main campus. And with gas prices at the rate they are at do you wonder why i take online classes?

4. What do you hope to learn from this class?
Honestly I hope to learn whatever i can about a topic i know very little about.

5. Have you created a blog or webpage in the past?
Webpages yes, blog no. Wait does myspace count? proably not.