Thursday, July 17, 2008

5c reflections

1.Who is your classmate, what is the component category, what is the name of the choice?
Classmate David,
Component A My California
Authors tobar, Steinbeck, Humes, Warshaw

2. What is something this classmate said about the choice that relates to any of the assignments in projects 2-3?
Transportation is a big part of any community. In our projects we talked about how different places compared to one another. He points out that LA has advanced so far since the 1960s in transportation

3. What is something different this classmate said about their choice that you did not realize before when you completed projects 2-3?
I did not realize that Santa Cruz in 1885 was where surfing first began in California. You would think in all the research we did on beaches that would of come up.

4. How would you relate this to Freire's ideas regarding dialogue?
I think through talking about the stories involving places we have studied, we can create better understanding for the places. David knew where surfing started in California from reading this book; maybe there is something I can teach him.

5. How has project 2-3 helped you with the readings of the textbook?
I think in doing projects 2 and 3 I was able to learn about some of the places that were talked about in the book before I read it. This made the stories a little more interesting because I had a better sense of setting.

5b reflections

1.Who is your classmate, what is the component category, what is the name of the choice?
Classmate Sophear
Component A My California
Authors: Dumas, Major, Chaben, Goldmark

2. What is something this classmate said about the choice that relates to any of the assignments in projects 2-3?
She talked about how Berkeley was established in the 1880’s after the city of San Francisco had been ravaged by disasters. This relates to projects 2 and 3 because we were talking about cities like Berekely and how they came to be.

3. What is something different this classmate said about their choice that you did not realize before when you completed projects 2-3?
She brought up how she was unaware , since she grew up in a diverse community, that there was still places with a majority of white Americans. I never took into account even after projects 2 and 3, what the populations of cities are made up of.

4. How would you relate this to Freire's ideas regarding dialogue?
I think her mentioning something I did not think of in the whole race diversity side of things, made feel like maybe race is not a major concern with people any more. Only through this type of dialogue was I able to think of that.

5. How has project 2-3 helped you with the readings of the textbook?
I think in doing projects 2 and 3 I was able to learn about some of the places that were talked about in the book before I read it. This made the stories a little more interesting because I had a better sense of setting.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4c reflections (revised)

1. Who is your classmate, what is the component category, what is the name of the choice?

Classmate Marjorie
Component C Inland Areas
Choice Sacramento

2. What is something similar this classmate said about the choice?
Both of us agreed that it is a very hot place to live at. The heat is very hard to get away from.

3. What is something different this classmate said about the choice?
She says that Sacramento is known mostly for big business. I think that their baketball teams are what make Sacramnto more well known. Many people i ask, know two things about the city: 1 that it is the capital of California and two it is home to the Sacramnto kings.

4. How would you relate this to Freire's ideas regarding dialogue?
I went into this one thinking that the Basketball team is what made Scramnto noticable. Her idea was that big business make Sacramento well known. I think the resulting idea is that the popularity of the city's sports franchise and the capital, make this a great place for businesses to work out of.

4b Reflections (Revised)

Who is your classmate, what is the component category, what is the name of the choice?
Classmate: Denya
Componenet: A World Cities
Choice: Los Angeles

What is something similar this classmate said about the choice?
We both had the same stereotypes about the city. We both believed that people thought that if you went to LA you would either get shot by gang members or become rich and famnous.

3. What is something different this classmate said about the choice?
She states that LA is one of the biggest producers of talent in the world. i on the other hand think they just provide a stage. Talent ed people come from around the world to LA, but peopel who are born in LA don't stand a better chance to get famous.

4. How would you relate this to Freire's ideas regarding dialogue?
I think that teh idea that the bigger your population, they higher amount of famous people will arise from it. The idea that LA is a stage would result from this discussion and stars would be born in LA.

5a group 1

Write the story title and author name:
909 by Percival Everett

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph:
In this essay the author is describing to people what the 909 is and has been. The author begins the story by giving brief examples of the area codes around the 909 and what the 909 means to them.(Just space between other locations). The author talks about how the land once rich with beauty is now low income housing. The main idea of this article is describing how different this area was compared to the common thoughts of Southern California. There were mountains and horses everywhere around. The author finishes off this story by saying that to him the 909 will always be the hills not the homes.

Which was your favorite sentence or paragraph (include entire quote; use quote marks and page number)?
“ For me it is these rugged hills. Hills that defy human occupation. Hills that are on the way to nowhere. Hills that will let you know you’re welcome. 909.” (pg 125)

What did the reading make you think of?
This reading made me think of the land behind my house. I remember when I was a little kid I would ride my bike up and down the hills that were there. Now there is a giant barn there and little to no room to ride my bike.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know (again, be specific using concrete examples)?
I had never heard of Mystic Lake. The story refers to it as “not a lake at all, but a huge wet spot that has diminished every year of the current drought.” (pg 124). Sounds like that lake is disappearing.

Write the story title and author name:
The Line by Ruben Martinez

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph:
This story is about the border. The author begins the story by describing the area in Tijuana where people would cross the border. The author talked about all the things that concerned the people who were crossing the border. The author also made fun of the situation by making it seem that the immigrants were more concerned with scoring goals and meeting women than being worried about how hard it was to cross the border. The story also mentions the coyotes, or the people who helped people sneak into this country The story ends with the author saying that the US put up a new fence in Tijuana and now the immigrants just must turn to the left to get around it.

Which was your favorite sentence or paragraph (include entire quote; use quote marks and page number)?
“The border wasn’t really a border. The line was broken. It was an idea, not a thing’ (Pg 129)

What did the reading make you think of?
Obviously the reading made me think of the immigration problem we have now. It almost seems like the story is poking fun at the way the problem is being handled. The author talks about it being almost like a party and the coyotes draw straws to pick which route they will take. This makes it seem like it is all way to easy.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know (again, be specific using concrete examples)?
I did not know there was a soccer field along th border. According to the book, the fence along it had been penetrated too many times to count.

Write the story title and author name
Flirting with urbanism by Patt Morrison

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph :
This one starts out the writer telling us that we have all seen downtown LA. He states that it has appeared in many movies. He also talks about how New Yorkers get upset with him because the building that Seinfeld took place in was actually in LA. He talks about how people want to restore downtown LA, but he reaction is restore it to what? He talks about how the city has only been enhanced and has not gone away in any shape or form. The city hasn’t changed it has just urbanized.

Which was your favorite sentence or paragraph (include entire quote; use quote marks and page number):
“There are lots of reasons to be fond of downtown Los Angeles, not the least of which-its us” (Pg 134)

What did the reading make you think of?
This reading made me think of my trip to Los Angeles. Alll the places described in the book such as the house where Seinfeld took place, i have seen. It is quite amazing how a place that seems to have changed so much is still very much the same.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know:
I was not aware that people from Los Angeles were not too fond of downtown. When I visited there I thought it might be an okay place to live, but this story makes it seem like such a bad place to live

Write the story title and author name
Waters of Tranquility by Carolyn See

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph:
This reading was about lake Shrine and what it meant to the author. She talks about how all there was to really do at the lake was walk around it. There was no eating or drinking, but an occasional wedding. Her life partner was really sick and she would go around the lake as almost as a religious experience. She would jog around it at first and then use the second and third laps to think about losing her husband. And finally the fourth lap she would use to just watch the lake.

Which was your favorite sentence or paragraph (include entire quote; use quote marks and page number)?
“ The only thing to do is walk around the lake,…and around it again…and again” (Pg 143)

What did the reading make you think of?
This lake described in this story is the authors place to get away. We all have a place we like to go to, to remove ourselves from reality and just relax. This reading made me think about my place. The beach.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know (again, be specific using concrete examples)?
Lake Shrine wanted the natural beauty of the lake to stand out. That is why people are not allowed to use the lake recreationally. Weddings only add to this beauty which is why they are permitted.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

4c Reflection

In week 3 Jenifer taught us that Bakersfild has a kick butt fireworks show. The government has tried to ban fireworks but people still shot them off there. This information would of been nice if you were lo9oking for a good fireworks show maybe next year we should all go and watch the show

4b Reflections

In week 3 Denya taught me that Manhattan is the most populated county in the United states. Can you believe that over 2 millionpeople live there. It is one of the largest commercial areas in the world. That meaqns that alot of our news and media comes from there. Manhattan seems like a cool place to visit if you can fit in.

Friday, July 11, 2008

4a Group #1

Write the story title and author name:
The Big Valley by Mark Arax

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph; be specific in your summary: This reading compares the Central Valley to itself across a lifetime. Mark starts off by telling you a story about when he was a kid and how he got lost in the orchards. As the story progresses he talks about how the land has changed. Stores, houses and even clubs now occupy the land he once roamed as a kid. He talks about how people aren’t even really interested in the way life use to have been around those parts; even his own kids are bored by his stories. He concludes his comparison by telling us that he still preserves his past in his back yard, where he secretly (behind his wife’s back) plants something he use to grow when he was a kid.

Which was your favorite sentence or paragraph (include entire quote; use quote marks and page number): “One Afternoon I ventured too far and got lost. It couldn’t have been more than three or four miles, but it seemed as if I has found another world” (Pg 17)

What did the reading make you think of: I thought about of how things change in our lifetimes. He talks about how this place that he grew up in went from being an orchard to “almost the “Inner-city” of Fresno. I always think about how little Petaluma was when I was a kid and how now it has earned the title of city.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know (again, be specific using concrete examples): I was not aware that there used to be fig orchards where Fresno is now. It is hard to believe that deep under al those houses and stores is the same soil that used to produce orchards.

Write the story title and author name:
Transients in Paradise by Aimee Liu

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph; be specific in your summary: This story tries to explain what Beverley Hills is. The author talks about the people she sees as she walks around. She talks about how she witnesses people at a funeral compare notes on a training regime. Then she talks about homeless people she has encounter. One of which wasn’t actually homeless but lived in a single room hotel. She uses all of her comparisons to try and paint a picture of what Beverly Hills is trying to be. Her conclusion is that Beverly Hills inhabitants are simply transients.

Which was your favorite sentence or paragraph: “Contrary to that first glance, the current between desire and fear runs hard through Beverley hills” (Pg 30)

What did the reading make you think of: The author talks about everyone as being Transients. I think about the people she decribes in the story and how they all spend a small amount of time in the area, but they all fall into stereotype. Richard was a a guy who appeared homeless, so he was treated as such. He actually wasn’t homeless though, just hard on his luck as far as Beverly Hills people were concerned.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know (again, be specific using concrete examples): I guess I never really thought that in one community there could be such a vast difference between its people. The story talks about how homeless people flood the streets among the millionaires at shopping complexes, but the storeowners respond with selective blindness. I know this exists in any culture, the story just shows in such a different light for me.

Write the story title and author name:
Showing off the Owens by T. Jefferson Parker

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph; be specific in your summary: this story is about California’s Lower Owens River. The author is a fisherman and he got the chance to take his friends to the Owens. The story begins by describing the drive to the river. The author talks about how the last 30 minutes of the drive are so taunting. During the trip his friend develops a rash that is the constant topic of conversation during the story. They meet their guide the next day and experience the beauty of the sport of fishing.

Which was your favorite sentence or paragraph (include entire quote; use quote marks and page number):”Brian cracked that it may have been caused by the color of my Explorer, which was ungenerously labeled “Butterscotch” . (Pg 39) In reference to the cause of the rash

What did the reading make you think of: This reading mad eme think about going fishing with my dad. The author speaks of fishing with uch a divine love for the sport that I can’t help but recall memories of sitting on a lake for hours to catch (Hopefully) one fish.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know (again, be specific using concrete examples): I had never heard of the Owens River before. (I guess I do not get out much0. But the description of this place made it very clear that this is a place I need to visit.

Write the story title and author name:
The distant Cataract about Which We Do Not Speak by Mary Mackey

Summarize the reading in one brief paragraph; be specific in your summary: The story begins as the author describes her mission to sneak up on the ducks in a pond. She recounts her failed attempt and all the wildlife that she sees in the area. Unfortunately as we fast forward to the future she notices there are fewer animals. The cataract that is described in the title is simply a highway that has cars that have seemingly replaced the wildlife. The author does notice common ground among the pats and present when her and her husband watch a traditional ceremony on the water where she once hunted for ducks. The beauty of night time nature and the human presence were in perfect harmony

Which was your favorite sentence or paragraph (include entire quote; use quote marks and page number): “Logically I can not be a log or a beach ball” (Pg 46) this has to do with her confusion on why the ducks never notice her sneaking up on them.

What did the reading make you think of: “But today I make it back to the island without encountering anything but a muskrat” this whole story makes me think about all the things we take for granted as a kid. I too have had experiences where I used to see a vast amount of types of animals and now I cant remember the last time I saw them.

What is one thing you did not know before you started the reading that you now know (again, be specific using concrete examples): This story taught me about the ceremony for the lost souls at sea, but is also done for those killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This ceremony is done with floating lanterns on sea. I was never aware of this ceremony

Saturday, July 5, 2008

3c Inland Areas

Sacramento vs Fresno

Sacramento and fresno are two cities you hear rarely about nowadays. Niether city is real big and nothing real exciting goes on around them. Each city is rich in culture when you visit them and tie in greatly to the history of California

What are some assumptions/stereotypes you think people have of each location:
Sacramento is best known as the capitol of California, however those who know little about it tend to think it is a town inhabited by cows. People think all people from Sacramento have cows and life stock.

Fresno is constantly overlooked in the great state of California. Many residents of California cant even give you an opinion of Fresno, because they have no information on Fresno.

List 3 things that make each location similar:
Each of the locations has a minor leave (AAA) baseball team.. The teams are transition leagues for major league baseball.

Both of these cities are located in the central Valley. Sacramento is the biggest city in the central valley followed by Fresno, which is the second largest in the Central Valley.

Major California universities are found in each city such as, Davis and Sacramento sate in Sacramento and Fresno State in Fresno.

List 3 things that make each location so different: 1 point
Sacramento has a professional Basketball team (Sacramento Kings) and a women’s team (Sacramento Monarchs). Fresno does not have a major professional sports team.

Sacramento was a major distribution point during the gold rush. Fresno county was not even in existence when the gold rush transpired.

Sacramento is the capital of California, while Fresno can barely make it on most maps.

Sacramento was not the original capital of California, Monterrey was. I wonder what makes it so that a city loses it’s capital status and how out determine a new capitol.

Jeni ( mentioned that the San Diego zoo has been a pioneer for cage less exhibits. I have not yet experienced this but zoos are a great place to learn about culture. The more natural the setting, the better the exhibit.

City of Sacramento:
City of Fresno:, http://en.wikipedi

3b Beaches

Stinson vs Pebble beach

Ever since i can remember the beach has been my favorite form of recreation. Stinson is a place where I visted quite often when I was little and Pebble beach i always saw on TV when I watched golf. Each community ties into humanities since beach communities always tend to have a different culture.

What are some assumptions/stereotypes you think people have of each location:
Stinson beach is a popular destination for people who want to get away from the city life. It is not uncommon to see really nice cars parked along the beach, which gives the impression that this is a high-class beach.

Pebble beach is best known for it golf course. People assume that Pebble beach is just a golf course in a nice location, but there is an actual beach there.

List 3 things that make each location similar:
Each of the locations is an unincorporated beach. This means they are not owned by a single entity, but instead by the county it resides in.

Both beaches have a high concentration of granite rock in their sand.

Since Stinson is a beach you wouldn’t expect there to be any sidewalks, but at Pebble as much as you might expect there to be sidewalks with how big it is, there are none.

List 3 things that make each location so different: 1 point
While Stinson beach is best known as a get away, Pebble beach is more of a crowded beach. With the golf course and resort in the same location, the beach is always crowded

Stinson beach is just a typical beach, but Peble beach is most famous for its golf course.

Pebble beach is roughly 2.5 times the size of Stinson beach.

Since 1952 Stinson beach has had 13 shark attacks, I wonder what types of procedures are taken to avoid such attacks in the future.

Joseph ( talked about General Vallejo’s home. I had never heard of this museum before, but it is in Sonoma.. It is a home that furnishes its original furnishing.

Stinson Beach Online:
Pelican network

3A world cities

LA vs SF

Theses two cities contribute so much to y culture and the culture of California. California is so big that north and south define two seperate cultures illistrated mostly by these two cities. SF is a town rich in culture and LA is where stars go to be born. That is how this ties into humanities.

What are some assumptions/stereotypes you think people have of each location:

Los Angeles is very commonly thought of as the movie capital of the world. People seem to think everyone who lives there are rich or famous. Los Angeles is thought of as one of the most crowded and traffic filled cities in the world.

San Francisco is commonly thought of as the gay community. San Francisco has one of the largest gay communities in the country. San Francisco is also commonly thought of as one of the most beautiful cities in the world with such attractions as the Golden Gate Bridge.

List 3 things that make each location similar:
Each of these cities have baseballs teams, who both made their way over from New York in the 1950’s. Even more remarkable is the fact that these two teams were rivals back in New York and remained rivals as they moved across the country.

At one point both cities were respectively considered the movie capitals of the world. Before LA became the place where stars go, it looked as though San Francisco would become the magical movie place. However the constant disaster of natural earthquakes eventually made it so the movie industry would move down the state and end up in LA.

As shocking as this might be, over the past decade the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles have actually had very high crime rates.

List 3 things that make each location so different: 1 point
Even though they are both big cities, the amount of land in the city of LA is almost double the amount in San Francisco. San Francisco is a city that is surrounded by the “Bay” while Los Angeles is surrounded by neighboring cities.

LA has nearly ideal weather. It always seems, as the weather is nice and sunny. While San Francisco still has nice weather almost year round, fog is a big issue. Since the city is right next to the bay, fog usually hides some of those sunny days.

Even though LA is viewed as a rich and famous city, it is actually more expensive to live in the city of San Francisco.

Questioning: I have learned that both the cities of SF and LA have high crime rates, I wonder what each of the cities is trying to do to lower each of these rates?

Last week Denya ( wrote her blog about San Francisco. She brought up that San Francisco is rich in diversity and Culture. I, like the most of us, have lived around here for a while, and San Francisco is the perfect mix of culture. San Francisco defines culture.


San :
